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October 31
Principal's Email to Families October 29/2023

Greetings Hampton Elementary School Families,

Here are your updates as we begin the week:

HES Student Picture Orders – A reminder to families that retakes are scheduled for Nov.1st.   

Oct. 31st Black and Orange Day at HES – A note for families that students are invited to wear orange and black items on Halloween, Tuesday, Oct.31st. There is a prize for the class with the most Black and Orange items! If families would like to send a treat for their child, all are reminded that these must be peanut-free and individually wrapped. Homemade items are best enjoyed at home.

Professional Learning Day Friday Nov.3rdFriday Nov.3rd there are no classes for students as it is a professional learning day for all staff.

NB Student Wellness and Education Survey - In mid-November, our school will participate in the annual provincial Student Wellness and Education Survey. This survey is a collaborative initiative of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, the Department of Health, and the New Brunswick Health Council (NBHC). By completing this survey, students are helping teachers, schools, districts, communities, and provincial decision-makers better understand the needs and strengths of students in their school and their community. This survey is for students in grades 4 and 5, and completed online at school. The survey is anonymous and voluntary, and the school results of this survey will be available next Spring. Families who prefer that their child abstain from participating in the survey can call the school at (506) 832-6021. For more information regarding the wellness survey families are encouraged to check out the website at .


Holistic Curriculum Framework– This year Hampton Elementary School is one of ninety schools involved in using the updated curriculum framework that will be used in all K to 8 schools during the 2024-25 school year. Included in this week’s message is a memo for families on the holistic curriculum framework including links to the new digital platform. Please see the attached memo from EECD for more information.


Thank you and have a good evening!


Ms. Donovan


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